The WRT32XB router takes Xbox gaming to extremes. It auto detects your Xbox device to prioritize gaming and streaming. The Killer prioritization engine identifies, prioritizes and accelerates gaming network traffic above all other devices in your home to deliver a faster, superior Xbox gaming experience. Turning the Killer engine on protects from extreme lag spikes and reduces peak ping by up to 65 percent on Xbox, delivering consistent and superior reaction time during intense gaming scenarios. User interface and firmware is custom built for gaming traffic control. It features AC3200 Wi Fi speeds, 1.8GHz dual core processor, and a pro grade Gigabit Ethernet switch with four ports provides lightning fast connection perfect for LAN parties. “Killer reduces peak ping by up to 65 percent” calculated from the reduction of peak ping rate from 103 milliseconds (ms) to 45 ms when using the Killer prioritization engine on the WRT32XB and an Xbox using a 10 megabits per second (Mbps) down/2Mbps up Internet connection that has multiple devices consuming the 10Mbps connection.
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